To our utmost dismay, the world of fitness is plagued by a bunch of outrageous claims about weight loss. Everyone seems to possess the need for speed, and a tolerance for delusions. Well, rapid weight loss seems like a good idea, as long as you do not face frustrating weight regain. Alas, this is very likely to happen, and to make it worse, your overall health is also undermined. Usually, people gain weight over the course of years, so isn’t there something fishy about shedding it in a matter of weeks?

Too fast too furious

Beyond everything else, our body is a surviving machine, and it will fight tooth and nail to prevent fast weight loss. Our metabolism is its key system, which has various mechanisms for maintaining the optimal functioning. Hence, it always tends to slow down in the wake of strict dieting and exercise. Eventually, people who embark on a rapid weight loss journey quickly discover that on the other side, the thing that waits them is precisely the one they wanted to run away from.

Namely, they gain a bunch of weight back, experiencing the twisted yo-yo effect. Apart from that, their bodies tempt them with cravings, due to the drop in the level of leptin. This is called starvation response and as a result, energy levels plummet. Basically, this fuel shortage is prompting us not to move around a lot and to burn fewer calories: when the body has little energy, it strives to preserve it and turns to muscle breakdown as a source.

So, what is the pace our body can handle, remaining fully functional? Experts argue that 1% of total bodyweight per week is the sweet spot you should aim for. This slow tempo gives our organism enough time to adjust and stabilize, while our metabolism runs full steam ahead. As you may have already noticed, a solid weight loss program teaches us valuable lessons about delaying gratification, building perseverance, and sticking to good habits.

A slow lane

In order to accomplish sustainable weight loss, you have to get three elements right: activity levels, calorie consumption, and hormonal balance. It is highly advisable to commence with a moderate increase in activity level and moderate reduction in calorie intake. Try to eat 250 fewer calories per day and perform exercises that burn as many calories. This gives you a loss of 500 calories per day, which amounts to 1 pound (0.45 kg) of weight loss per week.

Steer away from extreme, low-calorie, and crash diets and overtraining. They almost always have a detrimental effect on long-term health and dietary compliance. Likewise, these diets are dangerously low not only in calories, but also vitamins and minerals. This can inhibit your immune system and cause weak skin, hair, and nails. In the end, willpower reservoirs are depleted and you get a burning urge to throw in the towel.

So, if you have sleeping problems, a low libido, mood swings, and slow recovery, you are doing something wrong. On the other hand, if you take it slowly, you are in for a longer race: you will get to the finish line slower than others, but with your engine intact and your systems running like clockwork. Finally, bear in mind that weight loss is not just about calories and breaking a sweat. Ultimately, it is an effort to modify your lifestyle and make a positive change in life.

If you decide to embark on this road, you will need some allies – turn to reliable products to help you achieve your goals. Products such as Rapid Loss will keep you on the right track and hitting your milestones like clockwork. Remember there is more to weight loss than a single product, but choose your allies wisely and watch as the pounds stay down.

On the right track

Rapid weight loss is a disaster waiting to happen. To put is simply, you are doing more harm than good to your body, even if initial progress may seem encouraging. Our organisms fight back and go to great lengths in order to stop you in your tracks. Thus, you should not fight an uphill battle with your own biological rhythm.  Strive to make baby steps rather than leaps and bounds. Slow, gradual weight loss is the only way to gain sustainable results and avoid health problems down the way.

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