It is common for parents to make sure that their children are studying well at school. Unfortunately, not all of them are just like that. Some of them get good grades, while the others are not doing well at all. For those of them who have low grades, there are some possible consequences or punishments from their respective parents. There are most cases that parents punish their children for not doing well at school. However, other parents just remained calm and patient to them despite their poor performance at school.

Here is the question that every parent needs to know about handling their children with poor performance at school. What is the best way to treat children with low grades? Is it by showing anger and frustration towards them? Or is it by maintaining a pleasant expression to them? There is nothing wrong if the parents choose to stay angry and furious to their children. However, being angry and mad for getting low grades is not the best way to handle them. If there are better and friendly ways to manage their low performance in school, there is nothing to lose in trying them.

Without further ado, here are some friendly ways for parents to handle their children with low grades:

Tip #1: Do not get angry when they have low grades

It is wrong for parents to think that getting themselves mad is the solution to improve their child’s grades. It creates a negative aura that may affect the child’s motivation to focus on his or her studies. Instead of getting angry, try to control it. Punishing them for getting low grades through getting mad is not okay. There is no problem for the parents to punish their children for getting low grades, as long they are doing it in a friendly way.

Tip #2: Instead of criticizing their low grades, try to say something nice to them

The kids have room for improvement when they make mistakes in school. No one is perfect, so it is not a good idea to criticize their inability to get good grades. Most of the parents are criticizing their children for getting low grades. It makes them feel bad when their parents and teachers criticize them, which could lose their motivation to focus on their studies. Instead of criticizing their low grades, try to compliment or praise them for their efforts in studying hard.

Here are some examples of complementing or say something nice to someone with low grades:

Example #1: “At least you have scored 2 out of 10, not bad. However, it would be better for us to see you having a high score in your next test. Better luck next time.”

Example #2: “It is better to have three out of eight passed than none at all. However, we need to talk on how can we improve your grades in the upcoming exam, okay?”

When it is time to turn criticisms into compliments, take it one day at a time. Even if they are performing badly at school, never criticize them. Give them time to prove that they could improve their school performance.

Tip #3: Listen what they have to say regarding their low grades

One of the parents’ common mistakes to their children is their unwillingness to listen regarding their bad performance at school. How can they say that their child is getting better at school if they are not willing to listen to their concerns?

To solve the problem regarding their low grades, the parents should focus on listening to them. When it is time to open up their concerns, stay closer to them and listen carefully. On top of that, the parent needs to have an eye-to-eye contact with the child while listening to his or her concerns at school. The most important of all, avoid getting angry while the child keeps talking about his or her problems regarding low grades.

Once the child finishes talking, it is time for the parent to give some friendly advice about improving their performance at school. When giving some helpful advice to the child, do not forget to smile and tap his or her shoulder at the same time. Once a parent learns to listen and give friendly advice about improving school performance, there is no doubt that the child is motivated to study well and get good grades.

Tip #4: Maintain a positive attitude

There are several ways for parents to maintain a positive attitude, even if their children are not doing well at school. One way to stay positive is by being grateful to them. Instead of complaining, try to be thankful that they still have room to improve in getting better at school. They just need to look on the positive side of their child’s failures instead of the downside.

Another way for parents to maintain their positive attitude is by reading motivational and inspirational books and quotes. There are thousands of motivational quotes on the internet by using Google search. One of the motivational books that the parents should read to improve relationships with their children is How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It guides them on how to improve relationships with anyone, especially their children with low grades.

BONUS TIP: It’s also important that your child should be healthy at all times. Sometimes, health could be the reason that the child was having low grades in school. It was proven that owning a dog could keep your child healthy for most of the time in many ways. However, always keep an eye on your child when it comes to feeding your dog, especially if canines are allergic to that. In case if it happens, hypoallergenic foods for dogs are ideal to maintain their health while your child is having fun with the dog. Dogs can lessen their boredom and may get motivated to study more.

Final thoughts

The key to long-lasting relationships between parents and children is to handle concerns in a friendly way, especially if his or her grades are low. There is no doubt that the child will improve his or her performance at school, as long these tips are applied. However, these tips may not work instantly. Patience and consistency are needed for the parents to make these tips work for their children to get better at school one day.


Author Bio:

Jeff Caceres is a freelance blogger who is passionate to share what he knows about getting healthy with pets. He owns four mixed Shih Tzu/Maltese, 1 Belgian, 1 German Shepherd and 1 unknown breed that he rescued from the streets. You can check out the website at to learn more about the tips and advice that he had about pets.


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