As we age, signs of ageing begin to show up on our skin. The older we get, the more our skin shows our age. This can have a massive effect on our confidence, leaving us feeling less beautiful than we used to. While this shouldn’t be the case,  images of ‘beautiful’ women we see splashed across social media have had a big impact on our perceptions. Making us yearn for more youthful skin.

The good news is that achieving skin that looks and feels more youthful is possible. It’s just a case of working out what treatments work for you and give your skin the look you dream of achieving. To give you an idea of the best anti-aging skin treatments, we’ve put together an anti-aging cheat sheet.

Try retinol creams

One of the best non-surgical treatments for ageing skin are retinol creams. These are available to buy over-the-counter in a weaker strength. Or they can be prescribed by a dermatologist if you want or need a stronger cream. What makes retinol creams so amazing is the fact that they actually reverse the signs of ageing. Retinol creams work at a cellular level by increasing collagen production, and helping to even out and smooth the skin. While they can cause redness, soreness and peeling of the skin, they can be extremely effective at preventing ageing. Of all the anti-aging creams on the market, retinol creams are by far the best option.

Take collagen tablets

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As we age, our bodies stop producing as much collagen; it’s this that causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear. As our collagen production slows, the body’s skin structure starts to deteriorate. The good news, however, is that by taking collagen supplements, we can give our skin the collagen that it needs. Helping to slow down and reduce the visible signs that your skin ageing. There are also creams that contain collagen. However, supplements tend to be a more effective option.

Get facial fillers

One of the most common answers to dealing with ageing skin is getting facial fillers. These are used to fill in areas that are prone to wrinkles, making the skin look and feel more youthful. While Botox is most commonly used, another option is to use fat from another area of your body. One of the most successful options is using liposuction for love handles. This removes fat and then uses it as a facial filler to help smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. Unlike Botox, this alternative gives a much more natural look and lasts longer too.

Cut sugar out of your diet

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One of the most common causes of premature ageing is processed sugar. That’s why, if you want to keep your skin looking younger for longer, it’s essential that you cut processed sugar from your diet. Studies have shown that processed sugar causes glycation to occur. This is a process that damages the proteins in the skin, making it more prone to ageing. That’s why, if you want your skin to stay looking youthful for longer, it’s crucial to cut out processed sugar. Instead, opt to use natural sugars, like honey.

So you see, achieving more youthful looking skin isn’t impossible. It’s just a case of being smart about the treatments you use and the foods you put into your body.

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