Depression and anxiety are disorders that can affect your healthy life. If you have noticed that you feel tired, or sad, or hopeless, or maybe you often have a panic attack, then you should talk to the doctor, because you may live with depression mixed with anxiety.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 246 million people have depression disorder, and 284 million have an anxiety disorder. In their research published in 2018, most of the population that has these two disorders are women, all I want to say you are not alone.

Natural way to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms

There are so many ways to reduce depression and anxiety. Recently, many people start looking for help in nature.

One of the natural ways that might help with depression and anxiety are the essential oils, i.e., the aromatherapy.

One study made in 2016 on mice, shows that using essential oils as aromatherapy can effectively inhibit depression-like behavioral responses.

Essential oils are used in folk medicine or many centuries for various health issues. Nowadays, we can have these natural oil drops in our everyday life.

However, you must keep in mind that essential oils are not a cure for depression or anxiety. They are natural options that may help reduce some of the symptoms and help to manage the condition. Most people are using essential oils to relieve symptoms of depression only because they are with no side effects and 100% natural.

Top Three Essential oils that may help with depression and anxiety

The use of essential oils to reduce the symptoms of disorders such as depression and anxiety can have different effects on different people. Before using any essential oil, you should consult with your doctor.

These are the most common essential oils that might help to relieve anxiety and depression:

Bergamot Essential oil

The aroma of bergamot essential oil is used very often as a top note in the perfumes, but also it has widespread use in cosmetics.

Bergamot essential oil is a cold-pressed essential oil produced by cells inside the peel of the bergamot orange fruit.

Bergamot essential oil was used in a study in 2013, where 109 preoperative patients were randomly assigned to experimental. The results showed that bergamot essential oil could have a more significant reduction in preoperative anxiety. Aromatherapy may be a useful part of a holistic method to lowering preoperative anxiety before ambulatory surgery.

How to use bergamot essential oil

If you want to use bergamot essential oil topically, you must dilute with a carrier oil. Do not place bergamot essential oil directly on your skin.

Using bergamot essential oil in aromatherapy is the most common way to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Drip a few drops into your diffuser and entrust your senses in the citrusy scent of bergamot. Bergamot essential oil blends well with Tea Tree, Lavender, and Frankincense. 

If you don’t own diffuser, you can place a few drops of bergamot oil onto a cotton ball or handkerchief.

Jasmine Essential oil

Jasmine essential oil is known as the ‘King of Oils,’ and it’s a dense, sweet scent that is loved by most of the people. The flowers are picked at night because the flowers realize their aroma att dusk, and a tiny amount of oil is obtained by solvent extraction.

Jasmine essential oil has a calming aroma and soothing without being soporific. And because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties is used in dermatology. 

A study where was using Jasmine essential oil in aromatherapy massage comes with results that Jasmine essential oil can have positive effects on relieving depression, and it can uplift the mood on people.

How to use Jasmine Essential oil

You can add a few drops of Jasmine essential oil in your diffuser, or you can smell the incredible aroma directly from the bottle.

Another way to use Jasmine essential oil is to place diluted with a carrier oil in a warm bath.

If you want to use topically as a massage, you should always dilute with coconut oil or other carrier oil.

Lavender Essential oil

Lavender essential oil is the most used essential oil for reducing depression and anxiety. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and today we also can enjoy its aromatic benefits.

Lavender essential oil is a multipurpose oil because of its beneficial properties that it contains. It is believed that it has anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-microbial properties.

Several studies have tested lavender essential oil on people with anxiety and depression have results that show that lavender essential oil may help with those types of disorders.

According to the Natural Medicine Journal, Lavender essential oil can be effective in managing anxiety and depression.

Another pilot study from 2012, tested with aromatherapy for anxiety and depression 28 women. The pilot study shows a result that lavender essential oil used in aromatherapy may help reduce the anxiety in women with postpartum.

How to use lavender essential oil

In addition to placing drops of essential lavender oil in your diffuser and enjoying a relaxing scent, you can mix the lavender oil with a carrier oil and add to a warm bath. Here’s a guide on how to make a lavender oil you should look at.

Bottom line

Still, while there are many studies of essential oils and their positive effects in dealing with depression and anxiety, do nothing on your own. The most important thing is to see a doctor first.

Another important thing when using essential oils is to know that the essential oils are not a cure. Also, pregnant women, children, and people with respiratory problems shouldn’t use essential oils without consulting with a doctor or specialized aromatherapist.

Essential oils can cause an allergic reaction when used topically. So, it is crucial to do a patch test on a small part of your hand before use.

Before buying a bottle of essential oil, you should consider that the oil is natural and pure, and also purchase essential oils from a proven manufacturer with a license. The FDA does not regulate the essential oils. 

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